EliteSingles is an online dating service tailored to singles aged 30+, and our focus is on serious relationships between singles looking for real love. We know that dating in your 30s has its own unique challenges, and we understand what it feels like to be 30 +, single, and ready to meet your match. That means if you’re ready to move forward and find love, EliteSingles is a great place to start.
The trick to dating in your 30s in Canada
As many Canadian singles aged 30+ know, it can be tough to pass the stage in your twenties when your group of friends have paired off and are now starting to settle down, get married and have children. Dating in your 30s can be a lonely experience with not as many of your social group still single to mingle with you. It has become harder to meet high-quality matches who share your values and interests as the pool of available and suitable partners seems to have become smaller and it’s harder to know where to meet great single men and wonderful single women who are also dating in their 30s.
Looking online for like-minded love with other 30+ singles
What’s more, as your career takes off and you try to maintain a healthy work life balance, it can be hard to meet the right people.However, there is one obvious place for Canadians dating after 30 to start: online.
Today 1 in 3 marriages begin online1 and as many as two-thirds of people surveyed think online dating is a good way to meet a prospective partner2. Online dating has become an accepted social norm and EliteSingles has created a platform which does the hard work for you. Using technology to our advantage, we connect you with simliar singles who share your values and interests, letting our unique matchmaking process, select suitable matches for you. That leaves you free to sit back and enjoy getting ready for your first date.
30 and single: finding your partner with EliteSingles
EliteSingles understands how to date in your 30s and knows it is important to find appropriate matches when you are 30 and single. Our exclusive profiling system, based on superior technology, combines the data from your in-depth personality profile, demographic details and your personal preferences to send you 3-7 recommended matches per day. We are focused on your individual requirements and desires in a partner, suggesting profiles that complement your lifestyle, preferences, and personality. This gives your relationship a much higher chance to succeed and bring the days of being 30 and single to an end.
EliteSingles’ members are serious about meeting their partner. 85% of our members in Canada hold an above-average education and our customer service team verifies each profile to ensure that 100% of our members are genuinely looking for love. Thus, our members are a group of intelligent and committed individuals looking for their other half, just like you. On completing the easy registration process and taking the personality test, EliteSingles will start sending you compatible profiles.
Having streamlined online dating, for those aged 30+, EliteSingles not only sends you profiles but also offers an additional ‘Have you met…’ feature if you want to search out more profiles. And if you ever need some help, our customer care is always on hand to assist you.
Finally, as an inclusive dating site, we cater to your individual needs with our extensive membership base offering profiles to cater to your specific requirements in a partner. If, for instance, you’re looking for marriage-minded singles, we can help. The same goes for those looking to meet Indian singles, or for women seeking women, or for those wanting to meet atheist singles. If it matters to you, it matters to us.
Dating in your 30s doesn’t need to be discouraging. especially when you find the right place to meet your perfect partner. Sign up today to start meeting your matches!

Dating in your 30s: dating tips
Dating in your 30s can be different to the carefree and fun filled dating days of your younger years. We take a closer look at how to date in your thirties and advice to get yourself relationship ready when you are 30 and single.
Dating in your 30s, like dating at any age, requires you to put yourself out there with an open heart and open mind. EliteSingles knows that life is busy and so why not use the handy dating app to keep up with your life on the go, but be sure to take the time and make it a priority to grow your new relationship. Take a read of the below articles to help you succeed in your search for love.
Meeting singles ready to settle down
If you’re dating in your 30s, you’ll know that this is a life stage when singles have to start making decisions for their romantic future. Being a bit older and more settled in oneself means you know if you want to get married, and whether you want a baby, if you’re prepared to move, what your career goals are, and all the other factors which have now become more important in partner selection.
The best way to ensure success? Know what you want and be ready to ask and answer the big questions on the future you envision. Ensuring your goals are in line with each other gives your relationship a bigger chance to succeed in the future.
Keeping an open mind
Another step to success involves having an open mind. Sometimes those dating after 30 can become more set in their ways and picky in their preferences. Yet, successful dating flourishes with an open mindset. It is helpful to remember that age is a just a number, maybe he is a little older or younger than you expected, or maybe she is divorced. Leave the past in the past and look forward.
Going in with an open mind means that you expand your world, giving you the greatest chance of meeting your perfect partner. Love is not an exact science and sometimes it the person you least expect who steals your heart!
Starting on the right foot
Talking openly and honestly with your prospective partner is a good step to move your date forward. If you’re dating in your 30s, your priorities become more important so you don’t want to waste time with someone who is wrong for you. You want to be real from the beginning. If it is the right match for you, this communication approach will lay a healthy foundation for your relationship and it will give you the opportunity to connect in an authentic way.
Not sure where to start? Our EliteSingles magazine is packed with relationship advice like how to communicate with someone you’re dating. It’s part of our service to you – one more thing to help you meet that special someone.
1 Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 2013, A Third of Recently Married Couples Met Online and They’re More Satisfied and Less Likely to Split-up, Forbes Magazine, found at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/larrymagid/2013/06/03/a-third-of-recently-married-couples-met-online-and-theyre-more-satisfied-and-less-likely-to-split-up/#2142b252595e
2 Pew Statistics, 2016, 5 facts about Online Dating. Found at: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/02/29/5-facts-about-online-dating/