
Childfree dating: find like-minded love with EliteSingles | EliteSingles
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Childfree dating: find like-minded love with EliteSingles

Happy couple on a date with no kids

Childfree dating sites that cater to singles that are childfree by choice are often too niche to have a steady stream of new members. So it’s difficult to be assured you’ll find a good match. At EliteSingles we match people using innovative matchmaking techniques, so you know that you’ll only be matched with people who want the same things as you.

Childfree dating at EliteSingles

All of our members at EliteSingles are seeking to find a deeper connection with their matches. And our childfree dating segment of users is no different. They’re looking for a meaningful match, just without adding in the kid factor. Want to avoid any awkward intros as the ever-present ‘so, do you see kids in your future?’ question is broached? Want to continue your first date conversation without any undue stress that your date will drop the kid-question in at any moment? You’ll want to start with our personality test.

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Our personality test looks at our members as well-rounded human beings, we ask intelligent questions and pair our singles based on their personality type, education, income and location. This way we can assess which of our singles are going to spark immediately. We also tailor matches to your personal preferences, so if a similar educational background is important to you as well as being childfree, then it’s important to us – your matches will reflect this.

After completing our registration process, we’ll aim to send you 3-7 matches per day. These have been accurately and specifically chosen because they match with the information you’ve given us. So instead of you trawling through 100s of dating profiles that aren’t right, we bring the best profiles to you!

Who uses EliteSingles?

It might seem like a bold claim when we say that our members are mature, intelligent and eligible, but it’s absolutely true. An amazing 91% of our users hold a Bachelor’s Degree or better, users are typically aged between 30-55 years old (our average user is in their mid-forties) and there’s a real mix of never-married and divorced singles.

On top of this, we’re confident that all of our members are genuine since our customer service team manually verify 100% of new member profiles. So who, exactly, are the childfree singles on our site? EliteSingles primarily caters for professional singles with busy careers who haven’t given up on finding true love.

Does that sound like you? If so, you’re in the right place.

About the author: EliteSingles Editorial

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